Systems that predict the future

3 years ago

This video is about the basics of the living system – agent – concept. It starts with the role of ever better predictions to avoid death. It state that a 'system' has characteristic dynamics due to stronger internal than external interconnections. This leads to two conceptions of systems: open and closed. A living agent is a special form of closed system because it closes itself and in doing so it creates an internal environment that allows its own perpetuation.
Perpetuation can have two manifestations: survival or thriving. This corresponds to two forms of cognition. Cognition to solve (end) problems and cognition to perpetuate a good situation. The first (coping) corresponds to intelligence and the second (co-creation) corresponds to problem prevention. They both have completely different strategies to engage the world. This is exemplified by bureaucracy and friendships. It might even influence how are mind is organized.

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