8 Bad Pieces of Nutritional Advice Given by "Keto Experts" - Jack's Low Carb Journey Epi-27

5 years ago

If you like this video please check out my podcast at http://www.tspc.co and full playlist for this series is at http://bit.ly/lowcarbjack

Today I talk about 8 pieces of advice given my "keto experts" that are wrong, partially wrong or taken out of context. Two of these are just flat absolutely incorrect and in no way subject to opinion.

Progress as of today....
~ Weight on the 7th of Oct. – 218.2 - my last video in this series
~ Weight as of this morning the 8th of October – 218
~ Total body weight and percentage since Aug 12 (57 days) 29 pounds – 11.74% of starting weight

Photo I mentioned showing how much I have lost off my waist - http://bit.ly/2oqikIW

8 Things Keto Experts Say that is All Wrong, Partially Wrong or Out of Context...

1. Use cinnamon without an explanation between Cassia and Ceylon. Common cinnamon is toxic! Here is proof and instead of eating small amounts of this toxic shit just buy real (ceylon) cinnamon. https://youtu.be/CYfqvTZWilw?t=329

2. Pink salt is a good source of micro nutrients. Not it isn't, it is 98% sodium chloride. Here is one source explaining this, if it is 98% sodium chloride you just can't get enough of the other elements to matter. Sorry folks this is basic chemistry and math. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/315081.php

3. All tilapia is bad and is fed pig and cow shit. It depends on where you get your tilapia.

4. All your food has to be organic. Some non organic options are better and it is better to be "dirty keto" then on organic grains. Don't let the quest for perfect, stop you from doing keto.

5. Use natural apple cider vinegar when cooking for the benefits of the active cultures. ACV is awesome but if you cook with any pro biotic containing substance you kill all the living micro organisms. - I find it an indictment of the public school system that I have to back this with a source but here you go https://www.cookinglight.com/eating-smart/nutrition-101/how-to-cook-probiotic-foods

6. Dairy causes inflammation. Partly true for some, but bluntly keto isn't purist paleo, if you don't have dairy issues, keep the carb count down and ignore this all together.

7. You are not fasting if you have “bullet proof” coffee in the morning. Fasting is not an on off switch. If you burn 100 calories an hour and eat 150 calories you are still going to be in a mostly fasting state after 90 minutes if you are on a two meal a day intermittent fasting schedule. Don't even sweat this unless you plateau long term or have very specific athletic training goals.

8. Sulacrose increases your blood sugar. Bluntly this is total bullshit. Splenda does raise blood sugar, why, because it has maltodextrin in it, but pure sulacrose has zero effect on blood sugar. Here is just one example of many tests done with a glucose meter on fasting blood glucose levels, if you are making this claim please stop or at least be clear you mean splenda, not sulacrose, https://youtu.be/CYfqvTZWilw?t=329

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