Debunking Polidice: Arguments Against Social Democracy—Social Security and Medicare Part 3

5 years ago

In this third part video debunking Polidice on the arguments against social democracy, I cover on the social security and medicare arguments.

Polidice likes to believe that through having higher tax rates in the United States that they would be able to sustain themselves, apparently, much like that of Scandinavian economies, however, as I have pointed out, these countries aren't the utopias he paints them to be and they are social market economies, not social democracies going by what social democrats want with the strong government regulation.

The arguments on social democracy and medicare are ludicrous because the whole reason for the cause of why American healthcare costs are so expensive is to blame on the absence of the free market, therefore, the answer isn't universal healthcare.

Also, it is unfair to compare Scandinavian economies with that of the United States given the fact those countries at least have low levels of government regulation like Sweden and Denmark. I also covered the unemployment argument, again, Denmark with a real unemployment rate 3 times higher than official figures this again paints the real picture of the damaging impact. The argument on the social security and medicare of the United States is ludicrous for the simple reason that the social security was the largest contributing factor to the United States soaring debt problem and medicare is NOT more affordable, it's more expensive.

You can also check out my argument debunking VOX on why American healthcare costs are so expensive, which I cover more in depth on each reason given here:

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