Thieves, Robbers, and the Shepherd

4 years ago

You and I try to build the walls of positive thinking, everything is going to be OK, we will recover all our losses and gain back from what’s been stolen from us.
But the fear, the questions and the doubts keep climbing in by another way only to steal and destroy our confidence and hope, breaking and entering into our thoughts, making us anxious, stressed out, robbing us of rest and sleep. We are no match for the forces of sin and evil.
That’s why Jesus gives us Himself. A main theme of the Gospel text for today is Christ telling us that He is the complete opposite of a thief and a robber: He doesn’t break in, climb over, or sneak in in a dishonest way: He enters through the door as an honest guest.

John 10:1-10 /
4th Sunday of Easter /
The Rev. Pastor Lagoutine

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