Strange Humanoid Monster Encounters in the Vietnam War

4 years ago

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Strange Humanoid Monster Encounters in the Vietnam War

In every war there are often lesser known experiences floating about beyond the typical tales of fighting and heroism. Here in the background of all of the conflict and death often lurk outlandish accounts of something strange going on, something perhaps even more frightening than the enemy. Here we will look at a selection of very weird accounts of encounters with mysterious humanoid creatures and entities during the tumultuous Vietnam War, and whatever they were they remain interesting enigmas that go mostly forgotten among the more well-known stories of valor and combat.

I received some pretty wild claims in the wake of my article on Rock Apes in Vietnam that seem to go quite well off the beaten path of hairy hominids into some pretty bizarre territory. In one report, the witness claims that he was north of the DMZ on patrol when his platoon came across something rather odd out there in the wilds. They saw up ahead through the trees a procession of humanoid beings that seemed to be around 7 feet tall, with bald heads and skin that twinkled and glowed in the night. The witness says:

The guy up front gives the sign to halt and points off through the trees, and we can all see that something is illuminating the night up there. We squint through the foliage and can see four figures seeming to march in procession through the wilderness, but these people or whatever they were had this aura around them, like moonlight. They had no hair on their heads, that much we could tell, but other details were more obscure as we were trying not to be seen by them. They were completely silent, not seeming to disturb the surrounding brush at all, and they completely ignored us as they silently marched off into the night. Was it ghosts, spirits, or what? I still have no idea.

Another even more frightening account was relayed to me personally, from a vet who says he had an experience out in the jungles of Vietnam that has always haunted him. He says that in 1969 he was out on a routine patrol in an undesignated area when he saw ahead two piercing orbs of light that put him on immediate edge. He crouched and drew up his rifle, not knowing what was going on, and signed to the rest of his patrol to lay low as well. Then, as they watched, something very outlandish bloomed out of the darkness. It was described as being a hunched over, pale humanoid, completely hairless but with apelike features and noticeable teeth protruding from a muzzled jaw. The witness says

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