There are many ways to meditate. Heal yourself within the capability of music. Both mind and body.

4 years ago

Whatever happens it doesn’t matter. Just relax yourself. Both mind and body. Heal yourself within with the capability of music. We are often so busy we feel there is no time to stop and meditate!

There are many ways to meditate : peace comes from within, do not seek it without. The number of times a week you should do this meditation depends on how you feel about your energy. This meditation music will invite you to discover your life purpose
not only improve your mental health but to quiet your mind, relax your body and just breathe, inhaling deeply through the nose.

Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else : our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. People may heal themselves by achieving balance within their lives using frequencies built into this music wich have been scientifically proven to alter one's state of mind for better well being and to to be the co-creator and that if you go through them with awareness and keep turning your attention back into peace, helps to release old emotional baggage, encourages forgiveness and complete release of the past. This is my main teaching and offering.

This music is perfectly safe. The meditation starts with a short intro : infinite joy, infinite light ; a buddha is described as having three bodies ; three things can not hide for long: the moon, the sun and the truth.
With this relaxing music you will reach state of relaxation and openness to reiki healing. Entrainment useful for deep sleep to help you fall asleep easy, and also have enough rest to start the day fresh or for returning to your fully conscious awake and alert positive mind state.

Make your meditation a daily ritual : go beyond the body and mind, and you change your life.If you enjoy this track help us by liking, sharing and checking out the rest of our channel. If you like what we create be sure to subscribe. And don't forget to focus on feeling the sensation of your breath moving through your body. This music make you happy, and imagine you are pleased when you get more happiness!

Start focusing on your breath and let your inner chatter go away that are for your highest good and soul's evolution. Just close your eyes and listen music you will find inner peace :
many people experience more meditative and relaxing states of body and mind when listening to such music, and regular listening will help compound positive suggestions and / or your own positive results.

I welcome all of the ways the universe wants to bless me.

The way is not in the sky; the way is in the heart

Set your heart on doing good. do it over and over again, and you will be filled with joy.

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With all my Metta
Enough reading, enough talking, let's meditate together now!

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