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Kids practicing martial arts

2 years ago

Physical activities for kids are very important. It is an essential thing to do in daily routine to keep our body fit and also to learn self defense and it also help to divert our mind from negative thinking and keep away kids from negative activities. Through this kids use their energy in positive way and utilize in positive thing.
Their is an instinct in human beings called death instinct. It is an innate and unconscious tendency toward self-destruction postulated in psychoanalytic theory to explain aggressive and destructive behavior.
In psychoanalytic theory, the drive comprising the self-preservation instinct, which is aimed at individual survival, and the sexual instinct, which is aimed at the survival of the species. In the dual instinct theory of Sigmund Freud, the life instinct, or Eros, stands opposed to the death instinct, or Thanatos. Also called erotic instinct.

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