Biden Raids Trump’s House as Puerile Fishing Expedition Morphs Into Vote Tampering

2 years ago

Frazer’s Golden Bough Demands Slaying Former Leader to Establish Authority

It’s more often that Africa borrows ideas from America than vice-versa. But, perhaps in a nod to old boss Barack Obama, Joe Biden decided to introduce the African dictatorial practice of a leader taking out his predecessor. Biden’s DOJ/FBI yesterday raided Mar-a-Lago to grab boxes of paperwork with a muscular crew of 30 agents. But suddenly, AFTER Trump cooperated for 9 months with the FBI!

The notion it’s the duty of a leader to exterminate his immediate predecessor to establish his own authority is famously illustrated by Sir James Frazer’s epic Golden Bough. Generally, a pretender to a throne must challenge the king, then kill him to steal his crown. This idea was used in Apocalypse Now, where Col Kurtz is murdered to reestablish cosmic equilibrium. See Myth Encyclopedia:

The Golden Bough appears in connection with the goddess Diana, for in her cult a slave must cut a branch from a sacred tree and then kill the priest responsible for guarding the tree. The slave took the priest's place and was later killed himself in the same way.

And Biden now delivers the same such pagan creed into American politics. See, “Burkina Faso’s ex-president guilty of complicity in murder of predecessor -- A military tribunal in Burkina Faso convicted in absentia a former president, Blaise Compaoré, and sentenced him to life imprisonment for his role in the assassination of his predecessor in 1987.” Ironically, Compaore’ murdered a radical Marxist leader, whereas Biden is now the staggering, radical Marxist.

Of course, in banana republics it goes without saying the new leader either imprisons the former ruler, or simply kills him. Yet, speaking of blase’, in Biden’s bizarro world of political intrigue bedeviled by incompetence, it appears his raid of Trump’s home may well backfire. And FBI supremo Chris Ray now seems sent by central casting, with his permanent question evading, haughty demeanor and inept congressional retorts.

In fact, it’s the Democrat’s habit, and the GOP’s bete noir to steal liberty from opponents and then claim it’s the opposition's crime, propagandizing the same group, ie GOP as source of all illegality. But it’s wrong to raid Trump’s home on a flimsy fishing expedition to wound him publicly through bad media and then hope like Hades, swinging blindly for the fence -- they get a Ray Charles’ Walk-Off Home-Run.

But using the DOJ to tarnish Trump on a supposed minor crime is simply a no-no. It’s never been done, till now. See a 2020 essay ironically written to attack Trump: “The Justice Department's Policy Against Election Interference is Open to Abuse”

If you are a federal prosecutor, you know not to interfere in an election. You know it because it is (and should be) the ethos of your office, or because someone explained the policy to you when you were new, or because you read the quadrennial memo issued by the attorney general. Regardless of how you first learned it, you understand what the policy says and what it means, and you obey it.

The policy has remained remarkably similar across administrations. Whether prosecutors read the memo issued in 2008 by Attorney General Michael Mukasey, or 2012 by Attorney General Eric Holder, or 2016 by Attorney General Loretta Lynch, they read virtually similar guidance. All three memos were issued early (March or April) in the election year, bore the same title (“Election Year Sensitivities”) and contained the same two sections in the same order: one that addressed the “Investigation and Prosecution of Election Crimes” and one that addressed the Hatch Act, a federal law prohibiting executive branch employees from engaging in partisan political activity under certain circumstances.

Those three memoranda all state that Justice Department employees “may never select the timing of investigative steps or criminal charges for the purpose of affecting any election, or for the purpose of giving an advantage or disadvantage to any candidate or political party.” They also encourage prosecutors to contact the Public Integrity Section of the Criminal Division for further guidance regarding “the timing of charges or overt investigative steps near the time of a primary or general election.”

So is the FBI the ~NEW~ Klu Klux Klan, the paramilitary group designed to fight to make sure Black’s didn’t benefit from the Republican’s victory in the Civil War? They sure seem to have degenerated into a band of thugs, using their muscle and investigations to go after Trump and any other GOP members for the last 6 years, starting with planting fake evidence of a non-existent “Russian Collusion” hoax.

American’s of every description must now push back against the Democrats, fighting for our rights to not live in a police state where the biggest crime is to resist Democrats. But the Democrats are pushed to this precipice of legal theater by their crisis of un-electability where they fear total annihilation because of Joe Biden’s astonishing failures. Worse, they face the real danger of seeing dozens of their beloved fellow-traveler, anti-Trump conspiracists taken down and imprisoned.

Finally, and as we see from the above memos, it’s Voter Fraud to misuse the DOJ on minor supposed crimes to throw the next election. The crazed leftists led by twin zombies Nancy Pelosi and insensate Joe Biden are committed to destroying the approval of the one person Democrats hate more than Moses & Jesus -- Donald Trump.

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