Polio & Langya henipavirus, LayV Comming Your Way From China World - Hospitals Closing - Get Ready For More Fear Porn, Lockdowns, Masks And More Lies

2 years ago

OH LOOK 'TOP DR.' / Vaccine Salesman BILL GATES' SAYS!
Bill Gates, whose foundation funds polio vaccines, warns that the disease’s reemergence in New York is ‘a threat to us all’
Their next fear tactic.
China's Shandong and Henan detect new zoonotic virus, (Langya) 35 people reportedly infected - Global Times... It's Like Convid19 All Over Again
Woo-hoo that's gonna bring us down to #13 of the 17 plandemics in the monkeypox simulation documents.. Only 13 more to go 😅

China's Shandong and Henan detect new zoonotic virus, 35 people reportedly infected - Global Times
THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MANDATE DR'S & NURSES TO INJECT BIOWEAPONS https://rumble.com/v1fe2hv-this-is-what-happens-when-you-mandate-drs-and-nurses-to-inject-bioweapons.html


Ontario hospital closing ER once again due to staff shortages
Three emergency rooms close doors due to staffing shortages in BC https://thepostmillennial.com/three-emergency-rooms-close-doors-due-to-staffing-shortages-in-bc
Nurse shortages lead to emergency room bed closures in Alberta: doctor, union
shortages temporarily closing some rural Manitoba emergency rooms https://manitobaservices.com/news/im-really-angry-staff-shortages-temporarily-closing-some-rural-manitoba-emergency-rooms/
Saskatoon: Shellbrook health centre temporarily closes acute care beds due to staff shortage https://saskatoon.ctvnews.ca/shellbrook-health-centre-temporarily-closes-acute-care-beds-due-to-staff-shortage-1.5970619
Fort Saskatchewan hospital labour and delivery ward temporarily closing due to doctor shortage: AHS https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/fort-saskatchewan-hospital-labour-and-delivery-ward-temporarily-closing-due-to-doctor-shortage-ahs-1.6016170
Monkeypox simulation Video From 2021:
NTI Monkeypox Simulation - News Reel Segments (March, 2021)" https://youtu.be/65HeVXz7akU
Monkeypox Simulation PDF: https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.nti.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/NTI_Paper_BIO-TTX_Final.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj7mO6K8Lf5AhWig4kEHYctBWcQFnoECBIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0_Imq9RS9OXo79XbiB_Lhj

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