Going to Heaven at Will

1 year ago

Going to Heaven at Will

April 19, 2022

(Watch the Vimeo video)

Thank you, God, that You are always with us, that Your presence is mighty and you hear and answer our prayers on behalf of others in need. Amen.

Mother Clare began, "Blessed Mother, tell me, what is on your heart today."

"Truly my heart aches for the people in Sri Lanka, and all that will suffer in this very same manner. It would be good to share with the channel that this is the way the government will get control of them. When they can no longer obtain necessities, riots will be set off, there will be chaos and then the government will step in to save the day.-- --

"My children, unless you know you are called to the facilities, they offer you, please do not go in. For many it will mean death. Better that you should forage in the wilderness than be taken prisoner in these infamous places.-- --

"I want to speak to you about your second mind. I want you to realize that you have a place to retreat to. This is not for physical comfort, that should already have been put in place, but for spiritual comfort and fortitude. We have encouraged you to take trips to Heaven with the Lord, and this activity will be a saving grace for many. Music is not a necessity to go to Heaven, so do not abandon this practice if your music is not available just then."

And here Mother Mary makes a good point, when communications are cut off, we will not have electronics available to us, so it is good practice NOW to visit Heaven in the spirit. It is wonderfully refreshing and it revives us when we are feeling the pressures we currently are living under. If you haven't already, start today to take a celestial visit. Enjoy these precious moments of heavenly delights.

Blessed Mother continued, "Still your soul in a quiet and uninterrupted place, set aside at least an hour to be with Him exclusively, and wait on Him. Your imagination has everything to do with this endowment, do not discount what you believe you are imagining because the imagination is the stepping stone to the presence of God. Would your father give you a snake if you asked for a fish? Of course not. The only time God would allow a deceiving spirit is if He was working with your pride and presumption, and you had been judging others. Keep your hearts pure and clean and you have nothing to fear.

"The Lord will come and take your hand, but it is also permissible for you to go back to the place where you and He have been before, but on your own. Understand my children, Heaven is your home, therefore you may go there.-- --

"In these most treacherous times, it has been decreed for you to be allowed to go to Heaven at will. In this way you will not be overcome by the complete darkness all around you. This is your medicine, a place where you can be rejuvenated and the reality of your true and eternal home can be refreshed. You are high above all dark forces, and when you are in Heaven this becomes apparent.-- --

"In Heaven you will be shown many wonderful things and come to truly deep understanding that Heaven awaits you and in a very short while, many of you will be taken there. In the meantime, visiting is the next best thing, and it helps to adjust your reality about what you are living for. Look up my dear ones and fix your mind upon My Son and on the gloriously, divine eternity that awaits you."

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