Pat Green - Citizen Initiated Referendum - World Wide Freedom Rally - Sat 18th September - DUBLIN

3 years ago

Help us continue to speak out:
Thank you to everyone, small and large, who has helped us. This is your voice.

Yellow Vest Ireland supported the 'World-Wide Rally for Freedom' last Saturday 18th September. Over a thousand people joined the rally throughout the day which started at the Custom House not far from O'Connell Monument expressing their opposition to the government infringements on human rights and its draconian restrictions on civil liberties.

This clip is of Pat Green, speaking about Citizen Initiated Referendum. And the fundamental rights that the people have, which is being infringed upon. Pat speaks about the 'Rights of Man' book written by Thomas Paine, and 'Bunreacht na hÉireann', The Irish Constitution. A must watch for every citizen to understand the power the people have when it comes to government totalitarianism and overreach.

If we want to stop the government in its tracks it require feet on the street in the tens of thousands.
Ireland is at a critical moment for the protection of human rights and civil liberties. Important achievements have been secured after long years of campaigning but in less than 18 months many of our rights are being infringed on and many are being willfully discriminated against. This needs to stop and we are calling on all those fighting for the protection of civil and human rights to join us on the 18th of September for the next major rally for Freedom at the Custom House in Dublin at 2pm to collectively show our desire to protect our shared inalienable rights.

All are welcome, please share and invite friends and family to participate.

We need your help to protect the rights of the children. We cannot allow the government to decide on the health of our bodies. To change rules whenever they want. Categorizing people on medical decisions is discriminatory against selected groups of people and is a violation of the peoples fundamental rights.

Any and all assistance would be greatly appreciated. Sharing, positive comments and treating others fairly is all we ask. If you can help with a donation to cover our ever growing costs, your help is much appreciated. WE VOICE FOR THE PEOPLE.


Thank you for watching and sharing.

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