Freedom March 24TH July. They will be there. Will You?

3 years ago

The World Wide Rally for Freedom in Ireland is fast approaching and preparations have been organised to help make it a success. We need your help to improve our voice of the people.

We are calling for much needed donations to help lighten the burden of costs which involve pacifically hiring better sound equipment which is essential, additional printing of placards and a few more costs incurred to generate the best possible experience.

Any and all assistance would be greatly appreciated and an special thank you, to all those who have already generously supported Yellow Vest Ireland over the last 2 years and 7 months in our quest to advocate and bring about Citizens Initiated Referendum, which has the power to bring about true and definite change, returning the power to "WE" the people where it belongs.

Join us at the Custom House, Dublin at 2pm sharp on Saturday the 24th July 2021

Facebook Events Page:
Yellow Vest Ireland:

Standing as One!

#TimeForChange #WeWillAllBeThere

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