SARAH ZALDIVAR 1 | LDL not connected to heart disease, critical for vitamin D, DHEA, estrogen, etc.

2 years ago
presents episode 536 | Dr Sarah Zaldivar
Lillie Kane podcast

Lillie Kane: What about carnivore do you like?
-so much simpler
-get all vitamins & minerals you need
-fully satiated
-shopping is easier
Dr Sarah Zaldivar: now, i put into a pot:
-chicken thighs...add bacon later
-shrimp; then ground beef
-these last me for days

Dr Sarah Zaldivar:
"After years of my science background, and
the struggles I have had with food addiction
I've concluded that hypercarnivore is the
most optimal human diet"
If I come across a high quality study that
shows something else, I will update my view
My interest is:
-feeling and looking my best & living forever!
-anything that will get me there, I am open to

On eating organs...
-For a long time I didn't; now I do
-eating just muscle meat can keep you healthy...
-can be 99% better than before without organs
-the main thing I have to watch for on this diet:
~vitamin D
~optimizing for vitamin content
(that means including organ meats)
-what I do now is take desiccated organ supplements
(3 at each of 2 meals a day; plus vitamin D)

Question: bloodwork early on doing carnivore?
-triglycerides were 45! (used to be 150+)
Regarding cholesterol...
-75% of people having heart attacks:
~have normal LDL levels!
-heart disease has nothing to do with LDL
-LDL has a normal physiological function
-needed to create our hormones
-like a boat to carry fat within the blood (fat and water don't mix)
"Need LDL, large fluffy ones, to create vitamin D hormones,
testosterone, DHEA, estrogen, progesterone.
All the sex hormones to optimize physical and mental health"

LillieKane Youtube

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