Sexton & Bongino On Mar-a-Lago Raid: 'Preemptive Coup' & 'Third World Bullshit!' — They're Not Wrong

2 years ago

"After the FBI's Trump Raid, Don't Take the Bait – RedState"

None of this is a coincidence, and none of it is justified. Even if Trump was in possession of some documents that needed to be archived, that is the kind of thing that has historically been dealt with in court, not with an FBI raid, and the former president was fully cooperating to this point.

Meanwhile, Hunter Biden has been implicated in multiple federal crimes and his house hasn’t been raided. Hillary Clinton was proven to have illegally retained classified information on a private server, and her house was never raided. This isn’t about Trump not being above the law, as some on the right have naively proclaimed. It’s about a completely different set of rules being applied depending on what political ideology someone adheres to. In simpler terms, it’s about blatant corruption.

"Donald Trump's Official Statement On Mar-a-Lago Raid"

"Trump Family Reacts to FBI Raid of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago"

"Jesse Watters Primetime 08/08/2022"

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