Fly to Kazakhstan!

1 year ago

Fly to Kazakhstan!
Russian media, the Secretariat of the Collective Security Treaty Organization said on Thursday that military transport aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces are transporting the Russian airborne detachment of the CSTO peacekeeping force to Kazakhstan.
Russian media said the operation was a joint action by five countries within the framework of the CSTO at the request of the President of Kazakhstan.
Russia stated that the CSTO's treaty and charter have been approved by the Russian Federation, and once the CSTO's authorization is obtained, Russia does not need to make any additional decisions.
The CSTO is the CIS Collective Security Treaty Organization, which consists of six countries including Russia and Kazakhstan, and implements collective defense to the outside world.
The treaty stipulates that if a state party suffers an aggression, it will be regarded as an aggression against its member states. The CSTO will send troops to repel the aggressors under the terms of collective defense.

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