有一件政府会迅速做到(WarningThePeople)The One Thing Governments Do Quickly

1 year ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/m9i2TQTqbjQ

2022年8月9日 Originally Posted by WarningThePeople


If you would like to message him, his email is warningthepeople1@gmail.com




政府无论大小,无论我们谈论的是地方教会管理机构还是一个国家的管理机构,它们都有一个共同点,那就是它们很快就把自己置于上帝的对立面(撒母耳记上第8章)。他们以上帝自居,把自己放在摩西的位置上(马太福音23:2),他们已经准备好把自己的权威凌驾于你和所有的臣民之上。 在神的国度里并不是这样的;(马太福音23:8-12)在神的国度里,我们所有人都是兄弟姐妹,我们在主面前是谦卑的,我们只有一位老师和一位领袖,只有一位王,那就是耶稣基督。 你属于哪个国家? 你在支持哪一方? 你支持的是你所属的政府、你所属的教会吗? 你属于政府或你的教会? 还是,你真的属于神的国? 你属于耶稣基督吗? 愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。

The One Thing Governments Do Quickly
Governments whether they are big or small, whether we are talking about a local church government or we are talking about a governing body of a country, they all have one thing in common, and that is they are very quick to set themselves up against God. (Read 1 Samuel 8) They make themselves as if they are God, they seat themselves in the place of Moses (Matt. 23:2) And they are ready to lord their authority over you and ALL of their subjects. In the Kingdom of God it is not like that; (Matthew 23:8-12) In the Kingdom of God all of us are brothers and sisters, we are humble before our LORD and we have One Teacher and ONE leader, and One King and that is JESUS CHRIST! What kingdom are you part of? What flag do you fly? Do you fly the flag of your government, your church? Do you belong to your government or your church? Or do you really belong to the Kingdom of God? Do you belong to JESUS CHRIST? May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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