Jude 1:17:19 End time scoffers

2 years ago

Jude 1:17-19 End times scoffers
If you live anywhere near the Bible belt, then you have head people speak of the “End times.” In church terminology end times refers to the time in history where we believe we are near to the return of Jesus Christ for His church. Essentially, we believe that our existence here is about to end and our eternal existence is ready to begin. We look at it in terms of the here and now but really the “end times” began when Jesus ascended to heaven and the body of Christ began anticipating and awaiting His return as He promised. From that point generations of believers have eagerly awaited the coming of their Lord and demonic spiritual forces began to work overtime knowing that their time was short. These demonic forces know that they are doomed (see Matthew 8:29) and hope to deceive as many as they possibly can to follow them to their eternal torment in Hell. Jude says that the scoffers who was prophesied about by the apostles and Christ were very active in his day and time and they are even more active now as we are at the midnight hour this age. They have allowed their selves to be manipulated and deceived by these evil forces to divide the body and have mankind follow their primal instincts instead of the truth of God.
As believers we must realize that what we see today has been building and gaining momentum for over 2000 years and it will continue to gain power until Jesus returns. 2 Timothy 3:13 says that things will continually wax worse and that deceptions will continue to grow as we get nearing to the end of this age. The church needs to be on guard and open our eyes to what is going on around us as this spirit of deception has kicked into high gear over the last few years as the onslaught and attack on truth has taken off. People can no longer define or decide their gender, sexual immorality is being promoted as normal, and our society seems to have completely lost all morals. The scoffers that Jude speaks of seam to be getting the upper hand on society as message has convince people to abandon the truth of God for this primal instinct. The Spirit of the living God is ignored in favor of political correctness and the status quo, wow unto the those who do not see the plan of the enemy progressing rapidly before our eye. As a church we must stand strong against this spirit of deception and hold on to the Word of God and the Truth God has given us.

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