Worship Service 8:00am 9/13/2020 - 15th Sunday after Pentecost

3 years ago

The Rev. Scott Johnson, Senior Pastor
The Rev. Anton Lagoutine, Assistant Pastor

15th Sunday after Pentecost
The Sermon: "Just Do What He Says!"
Based on Joshua 6:2-5
Rev. Scott Johnson

1st Reading: Genesis 50:15-21
Epistle: Romans 14:1-12
Gospel: Matthew 18:21-35

Opening Hymn: LSB # 578 "Thy Strong Word" verses 1-3
Sermon Hymn: AGPS# 247 "Thy Word is a Lamp"
Response Hymn: LSB # 577 "Almighty God, Thy Word is Cast"
Distribution Hymns:
LSB # 575 "My Hope is Built on Nothing Less"
LSB # 547 "The Lamb"
LSB # 643 "Sent Forth by God's Blessing"
Closing Hymn: LSB # 578 "Thy Strong Word" verses 4-6

All rights to music have been authorized by the following:

St. John's Lutheran Church
2126 St Johns Church Rd
Conover, NC 28613

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