The Secret Trick to Get Rich from Inflation | Jason Hartman

2 years ago

Government is a necessary evil. On the one hand, we need it to manage basic things in order to have a civil society. On the other, corruption and inefficiency reign and it’s hard to change such an entrenched system. So what should we do to survive in today’s inflationary world? Jason Hartman invites you to understand the secret trick to profiting despite these powerful forces.

0:00 Inflation is a wealth transfer
0:38 The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen
0:58 Corruption and inefficiency
1:17 Powerful strategies from central banks and governments
1:37 Jason Hartman’s strategies
1:47 Align your interests with the two most powerful forces the human race has ever known

#jasonhartman #wealthtransfer #inflation #centralbanks #federalreserve #governmentpolicy

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