Gospel-Based Parenting - Part 7: How Does God Discipline?

3 years ago

Welcome to Part 7 of the Gospel-Based Parenting video series. Today, we will be answering the question: "How does God the Father discipline?"

How does knowing the truth about biblical discipline impact the way that you will discipline your children?

This video series is based on my book, Gospel-Based Parenting, which is available for purchase on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Gospel-Based-Parenting-Biblical-Discipline-Discipling/dp/173342850X/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=gospel-based+parenting&qid=1623026186&sr=8-3#customerReviews

You may also download a FREE pdf version of my book at my website: https://peacefulworldschoolers.com/books/gospel-based-parenting/

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