America Resemble Hitler’s Germany

2 years ago

"There is no justification for sending 30 friggin’ FBI agents to the former president’s compound in Mar-a-Lago in early morning and conducting themselves this way or in any other cases in which they’ve done exactly the same thing," Levin continued, adding "The FBI is corrupt."

Levin called it "the worst attack on this republic in modern history," before slamming GOP leadership. (h/t Mediaite)

"This is the worst attack on this republic in modern history. Period," he said. "And it’s not just an attack on Donald Trump. It’s an attack on everybody who supports him. It’s an attack on anybody who dares to raise serious questions about Washington, D.C., and the establishment in both parties. I haven’t heard a damn thing from the Republican leadership in the Senate! Have you? Not one of those guys has put out a statement. Because they’re weak. That’s why."
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