The Myths Of Safe Pesticides - Andre Leu

2 years ago

new 22-The Myths Of Safe Pesticides - Andre Leu

Andre Leu
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• Growing Life: Regenerating Farming and Ranching

#AndreLeu #RegeneratingFarming #HealthySoil

Andre Leu is the Author of several books including his most recent; Growing Life: Regenerating Farming and Ranching. This book is about modern farming and ranching evolve away from mass consolidation and industrialization; a new strategy is rapidly emerging: regenerative agriculture. These new systems being implemented across the globe require a shift in the mindset of the land manager and operator, away from being primarily reliant on external inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides, and toward dependence on knowledge, measurement, and management. In this first-of-its-kind book, André Leu invites everyone to start moving a positive, regenerative direction where our actions support growing abundant life. Inside this book, the first in a series, explore the fundamentals of regenerative agriculture, including specific, proven steps designed to grow healthy food, while protecting our natural resources like clean water, soil and air. Readers will also learn: the role of photosynthesis in a farming system; successful tactics for ground cover and weed management; soil health and nutrition principles; ways to build functional biodiversity; and implementation and execution tactics. This includes a helpful appendix on vetted, natural inputs.

He is the International Director of Regeneration International, an organization that promotes food, farming and land use systems that regenerate and stabilize climate systems, the health of the planet and people, communities, culture and local economies, democracy, and peace.
He was the President of IFOAM – Organics International, the world change agent and umbrella body for the organic sector from 2011 -2017. IFOAM – Organics International has around 850 member organizations in127 countries.
He lectures and teaches at universities, institutions, and workshops around the world. He speaks at numerous conferences, seminars, workshops as well as United Nations events on every continent. He meets with governments, industry, farmers, consumers, and NGOs on the multi-functional benefits of regenerative organic agriculture.
He has an extensive knowledge of farming and environmental systems across Asia, Europe, the Americas, Africa and Australasia from over 40 years of visiting and working in over 100 countries. Andre and his wife, Julia, have an organic tropical fruit farm in Daintree, Australia.
He has published extensively in magazines, newspapers, journals, conference proceedings, newsletters, websites, and other media, as well as doing numerous media interviews for TV, Radio and online systems.
You Can contact Andre Leu on Twitter and Linkedin

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