The STRONG character that isn't actually a STRONG character

2 years ago

This rant has been a long time coming. Plenty of books feature the 'strong mary sue' types of characters, and the telling is usually pretty heavy. More and more in modern literature (especially in YA) the 'victim' has become its own trope. It is usually featured to garner sympathy from the reader in a way that's meant to create attachment but it comes off more manipulative and desperate than anything else.
Victimhood does NOT equal likeability, and your characters should have more than that as a personality trait.
Likewise, the 'strong female warrior' types are usually featured as bullyish, domineering, StUbBoRn, and above all- a loudmouth. But again, these personality traits aren't indicative of a strong character. Instead, they're presented as very flawed human beings who learn little, but we're told throughout the story how 'wonderful' they are through the eyes of other characters.

Let's keep it real, people.

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