The Maldives - Not Sinking - Growing!

4 years ago

The Maldives - Not Sinking - Growing!

We recently returned from a relaxing holiday in the Maldives.

Back in 1988 environmentalists predicted the Maldives would be under water within 30 years.

We can categorically say it was not under water as predicted like some modern Atlantis. Far from it.

This reality got me thinking… If the country was supposed to have joined Atlantis and be submerged below the waves by now, why would Hilton Hotels invest in the development of its Saii Lagoon Resort?

Why would Hard Rock Hotels invest billions of dollars in an unsustainable sinking landscape.

Why would Singha Estates invest more billions into The Marina at Crossroads?

Why would the banks support these huge developments?

Who would insure these resorts and retail destinations in the middle of the Indian Ocean?

Why is Male International Airport expanding to accommodate larger planes and more tourists?

Why did Al Gore and Barak Obama purchased beachfront estates in 2010 and 2019 respectively?

Could it be that the environmental models are wrong and we are being lied to?

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