Children Are Like Apple Trees

2 years ago

Children are like apple trees. It all begins with a tiny seed from a sweet fruit. We water the seed with care and compassion. And for a time, the seed grows in a hidden place.

Eventually, the seed is ready to see the light of day. We begin to see the signs of new life and new growth, and now we are ready to plant the seed.

We gently place the seed inside the the best soil that we can find hoping that it will grow to be all that it is meant to be, and then we water and we wait.

If we were to stand and watch the seed, we wouldn't see anything at all.

In fact, we might wonder if anything is happening.
Is it growing?
Can something beautiful come out of this dark and dirty place?

It is hard to see the growth when you are watching day in and day out, but over time, you will find that this seed that you planted in love and cared for through the storms will grow and into a strong, tall tree.

We provide patient care throughout the growing process and we provide structure for growth to continue until finally, our little seed is ready for the outside world. Our tiny seed has grown into a large tree.

We prune away the dead branches and do our best to keep the pesky pests away.

We stand in awe as we begin to see the most beautiful blossoms starting to bloom.

Our hard and patient work is paying off. And eventually, our little seed begins to bear fruit.

While the days were long, the years were short.

We loved and cared for our little seed and trusted that growth was happening even if we couldn't see it.

And every ounce of care that we provided over the years would bear beautiful fruit that would grow and multiply for generations to come.

And then, it's time... to let go.

Written by: Angela Harders

170-Day Time Lapse Video:
Apple Tree Time Lapse Video:

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