Short #2: Liberal Privilege - Hilary Clinton, Hunter Biden, & Others vs Donald Trump

2 years ago

I'm sure everyone by now has heard about the FBI raid on President Trumps residence in Florida at Mar-a-Lago. It's amazing how they always find the time to go after him and how much their constituents support said actions but flip out when you mention anything that they've legit led slide like it never happened. Whether it was Fast and Furious when we sold guns to cartels that were then used to kill CBP Agents under Obama and AG Holder, Benghazi, James Comey exonerating Hillary Clinton before they even started investigating her for her private server in her basement and then destroying it all after getting a federal subpoena, Hunter Biden and the laptop or the lying on a Federal Background Check for to get a gun and his gf dumping it in a trash can across the street from a school, or many other things. It's amazing how they all get a pass on that side, but they continuously attack Trump and other conservatives all the time.

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