Aragon, building, the tools and community, necessary for the project, Blockchain, Q And A, english

4 years ago

Aragon, building, the tools and community, necessary for the project, Blockchain, Q And A, english

Why Aragon Chain
Ethereum has been critical for Aragon's success so far. Without Ethereum this community wouldn't be where it is today. Aragon was warmly welcomed by the Ethereum community, allowing us to raise funds to continue building Aragon and the Aragon Network. We never forget our origins and will always be forever grateful to the Ethereum community.

We've also given back to the Ethereum community. We build and maintain infrastructure like radspec and aragonOS, which are common goods for the entire community. We started the Aragon Nest grants program, which has funded important work such as Prysmatic Labs (when they were the only team working on 'sharding') or Frame (the best desktop signing provider for Ethereum).

However, those of us working for Aragon have a duty to deliver maximum value to the Aragon community and expand the Aragon Manifesto in the world. While Ethereum was the best and only platform to build Aragon, we now see alternatives that are better suited for our needs and reaching our goals.

Even though the cost of making transactions on Ethereum has increased since we started, the real problem is the inability to predict future cost. 'How much does it cost to use Aragon' is a question that keeps on popping up when talking to users that want to use Aragon to run their organizations, and we aren't able to provide an good answer. Ethereum is almost at capacity at this point in time, if just one dApp manages to get traction and considerable growth, gas prices could increase by two or three orders of magnitude almost overnight. Using Aragon on Ethereum is already way too expensive.

Regardless of what you may have heard on Crypto Twitter, Ethereum is, first and foremost, a developer platform, and one that is still at a fairly early stage. Big changes are still needed (Ethereum 2.0 will change everything) and these changes can and do break things. As it is now well known, the Istanbul hard fork will break close to 5,000 Aragon smart contracts. While the situation has been mitigated and a migration path will be made available, I deeply believe it is not our fault but the implications of bad protocol design. We are not Ethereum's only users and we understand the importance of the changes even if it breaks our stuff. This has just confirmed our belief that relying exclusively on Ethereum poses a considerable platform risk that we should hedge against by having Aragon available in multiple chains. It's important to have a chain governed by the Aragon community as it will only have our best interests at heart.

My personal prediction is that Ethereum 2.0 won't reach feature parity with the current Ethereum mainnet until 2021 or 2022 (informed by conversations with some Ethereum 2.0 implementers). As a project, we must find product-market fit before 2022, and I'm absolutely certain that we will. When we reach PMF, we need a scalable platform to onboard as many users into Aragon as fast as we can.

Aragon is not leaving Ethereum. Incredibly important projects like Aragon Court and the Aragon Network v1 will still be deployed to mainnet Ethereum by the end of the year. I don't foresee Aragon dropping Ethereum support and we will likely make the needed changes for Aragon to work on Eth 2.0.

However, we must take control of our own platform from the bottom up. Owning the whole stack will be incredibly powerful, allowing us to capture value wherever in the stack it accrues (which is still to be seen in Web3) to reach project sustainability. I believe the research and plan are solid, and we can move into implementation now.

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