Florida - Hotbed for SDG Land Grab

2 years ago

MAKE THIS GO VIRAL! This is the July 18, 2022 show.

Under the “watch” of Governor Ron DeSantis, Florida has become a hotbed for the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) which includes a land grab. While certain outlets and organizations are promoting DeSantis as some sort of pariah to counter the unlawful actions of the District of Criminals, DeSantis has failed to stop unlawfulness in his own State of Florida, turned a blind eye to the issues, and actually promoted some lawless actions through signing of legislation.
Listen to Florida resident Brandi Ann as she explains what is happening in her area of Florida regarding gentrification, displacement of residents, and the “stacking of the deck” against the residents of the state. As it turns out, Florida residents are being priced right out of the very neighborhoods they have lived for the majority of their lives. Brandi has been marginalized, censored, and harassed by police at local government meetings at the behest of government officials are for pointing out corruption. Moreover, it’s happening to her friends as well – all here in the “land of the free and home of the brave”.

Check out all the information in the resources for more information on these egregious violations against the people.
See all The Liberty Belles shows on Rumble, BitChute, UgeTube, and Brighteon. Check out Lynne Taylor at commoncorediva.com as well as on Sons of Liberty Radio every Wednesday at 6 AM with Tim Brown on “Rotten to the Core Wednesdays”. Suzanne Hamner can be found at Sons of Liberty Media and Brighteon at “Hamner It Out”.
If you have questions, comments, or have a topic you would like The Liberty Belles to investigate and cover in one of our shows, please email The Liberty Belles at thelibertybelles2021@gmail.com. Don’t forget to drop by The Liberty Belles Facebook page and leave your thoughts and comments.
As always, Stay vigilant! Armor up Anti-Fed Ed Warriors!

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