What to do when your reality sudden changes (no music)

5 years ago

What to do when your world suddenly changes...There often comes a time in everyone's life when something or someone they believed in turns out to be different than they thought.

It could be someone you thought was a friend suddenly turns on you. Or maybe its a belief system you have had since you were a child It doesn't fit you any more. Things your parents taught you as facts don't seem to hold true. Or the church you were brought up in doesnt seem to fit who you are any more.

We pass these markers in growing up. We gain maturity and earn to think for ourseves, and we create new beief systems and ideas. It can be a little disconcerting as if you have had the rug pulled up fro underneath you but we cope. We go through a period of time where we feel uneasy. We get the feeling that we should have some kind of belief system about everything. We are told to take a stance. In time as our emotions settle down, and we gain perspectve, we often do gain new ideas, new perspectives, and new belief systems. And then we feel more balanced and calm about "what is"

And yet there are times, when our whole world feels shattered. When too many things come down upon us at once, we can feel immobilized, paralized.

What if you suddenly found out that NOTHING in your world was true? What if you found out that nearly everything was a sham? What would you do? How would you feel? It can make anyone feel unstable to discover a lie has been perpetrated against them.

You begin to wonder. "What else have I been missing?" "What else haven't I noticed? " "Are there other falsehoods I have missed?" "What on earth can I count on?"

These earth shattering moments do not have to define us. And yes, there is a way out. When we realize that we cannot count on others to be who we think they should be, we create a little place of peace inside of ourselves.

So much of our society, and media presses on the idea for us to show ourseves as strong, confident and in charge. This is actually expected of us. It means we are mentally healthy, right?

But this is mostly some kind of facade we are expected to portray. It is OK to be quiet. It is OK to be contemplative. It is OK to draw your energy back unto yourself.

There is a place inside of us that is always calm, and peaceful. It is our essence. The first thing I do to get there is to take a deep breath. Breath is super important. When we breath quickly and shalllowly we are in the Beta state. This keeps the mind overactive busy, trying to figure everything out.

And yet! When we take deep slow breaths, it takes us into the alpha state, where we see the world more wholistically. It calms us down.

When we ae in "Presence", in the "now" and centering, drawing our energy into ourselves, we feel peace. You find that you are breathing sower, and deeper and you feel more peaceful.

And you know that in this moment, that all is well in your world. You are safe..right now. YOU ARE CALM...RIGHT NOW. aND WE CAN go through life this way.moment by moment.
We dont have to figure eberything out at once. It is OK to not know what you think about something. We dont need to dicipher the world in a neat and tidy way for us to feel OK.

We may not like what is going on in the world, but we can still be OK inside. What matters in you and your world..your own universe what you have created for yourself. Your most important duty is to take care of yourself and this includes your own sense of well being

It is vital for you to find and create a sanctuary in your mind for your own self healing. You deserve it. And from this place you have created, you can then go into the world as a new person, emanating the new peace that you feel inside, thus changing the world in a positive way

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