Planting 300 Spruce Trees

4 years ago

We were looking on line for a tree planter but came across a drill bit tool for planting trees.
My step-father had an old drill bit the right size so he welded an extender on it so that he wouldn’t have to bend down to make the holes for planting trees.
We were going to use a pipe to stick in the ground to take out the dirt for where the tree would be planted but then you have not dirt to back fill about the new tree and it was not easy to remove the dirt from inside the pipe.
The drill bit just leaves the dirt right beside the hole and it is very easy to fill any extra space that the drill bit may have left.
We planted approx 300 spruce trees in just a little over 2 hours. Not too bad!
Watch the YouTube video here:
I have sped it up a lot just to make the video more condensed.

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