Entertainment News | Kenobi Plot Details! | Rosario Dawson Unhappy | Alien | Loki

2 years ago

entertainment news | Kenobi Plot Details! | Rosario Dawson Unhappy | Alien | Loki

Following a week of rumours and speculation, Variety has confirmed John Williams has composed a theme for Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Variety have revealed that last week Williams composed the musical signature for the upcoming limited series at a studio in Los Angeles under tight security. No further details were revealed, but it’s worth remembering that Williams isn’t scoring the series, but has just composed a singular theme for the series as he did for Solo: A Star Wars Story, but who is scoring Kenobi is still unknown at this time.

Rumours started swirling regarding Williams’ involvement last week when a member of a Los Angeles orchestra revealed on Facebook that she was currently working with Williams on a mystery TV project, which led many fans to speculate the maestro was returning to a galaxy far, far away.

John Williams confirmed back in 2019 that The Rise of Skywalker would be the last Star Wars film that he scores due to how long the process takes, which made fans assume that Williams was composing a singular theme for Kenobi. Initially the force theme that first debuted in Star Wars: A New Hope was going to be Obi-Wan Kenobi’s theme, so it’s fitting that Williams has returned to give Obi-Wan his own theme.

As 2022 quickly moves along, Obi-Wan Kenobi is the next Star Wars project up. The series finally sees the return of Ewan McGregor as the titular Jedi Master, with his prequel trilogy co-star Hayden Christensen also reprising his role of Darth Vader. Obi-Wan and Vader are set for a crash course that will lead to their first confrontation since Mustafar, engaging in what Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy has described as "the rematch of the century."

The duel is the ultimate destination for the show, so there will be a lot of build-up to the conflict in the interim. Rumors heavily suggest that several members of the series' cast will be playing Inquisitors, with Rupert Friend performing the live-action debut of the Grand Inquisitor. Vader's enforcers are a volatile bunch, seen previously in Star Wars Rebels and Jedi: Fallen Order going on the warpath to eliminate any survivors of the old religion.

In Kenobi, the Inquisitors are said to be especially ruthless, taking part in several acts of violence that demonstrate the might of the Empire. Eventually, the group will arrive on Tatooine, where Obi-Wan and Luke Skywalker are at risk of discovery. Locating Kenobi is the primary focus of their master, and to do so they'll need to find a way to draw him out of hiding.

Luke is an unknown entity to the Empire; unfortunately, his twin sister isn't. As Obi-Wan Kenobi draws nearer, a new rumor has begun to connect some of the pieces that will bring Princess Leia into the series - and how Kumail Nanjiani's character will come into play.

Rosario Dawson is just as miffed about a certain character’s fate in The Book of Boba Fett as the fans. The Star Wars-loving side of the internet went wild when popular animated villain Cad Bane made his live-action debut in the penultimate episode of the Disney Plus show, teasing a tense showdown between Cad and Fett in the last chapter. And that’s exactly what we got in the finale, with deadly results.

Fett successfully bested his old foe in combat, with the blue-skinned bounty hunter felled by Boba’s Tusken spear. Fans were sad to see Bane dispatched so soon after making his first appearance in live-action, then. And so was Ahsoka Tano herself, Rosario Dawson. The Mandalorian actress recently declared on Twitter that she had hopes of facing off against Cad herself in her incoming Ahsoka spinoff. But now her bubble’s been burst.

“*Watches finale of #BobaFett & welp!” Dawson commented, once she’d caught up. “Hopes dashed…”

Ever since news broke that Legion and Fargo showrunner Noah Hawley was making a TV show set in the Alien universe, we’ve been desperate to learn more. When’s it set, where’s it set, who’s in it, and can we have it in our eyeballs right now thank you very much? Several of those details have been revealed in the subsequent months and now there are even more, including one that’s a tad less than encouraging.

We’ll start with that bad news. Speaking at a recent event, as chronicled by the Hollywood Reporter, FX chief John Landgraf said that Hawley will be finishing a whole other show, the fifth season of Fargo, before making Alien. “We need to shoot Fargo this winter, so we’ll be shooting Fargo before Alien though we have more scripts for Alien than Fargo,” Landgraf said. “Noah is writing both right now.”

The good news is Hawley has made more progress on Alien than Fargo so far (Landgraf has read five Alien scripts and only one for Fargo) so the world of the sci-fi series is already very well-defined.

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