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Episode 1: Wannabe Wiseguy Alan Gunner Lindbloom's Tall Tales Exposed

2 years ago

This video, the first in a series on Detroit Mob wannabe Alan Gunner Lindbloom, contains conclusive, indisputable and incontrovertible proof that Lindbloom is in NO WAY related to the Detroit Mob's Tocco family, contrary to his many outrageous statements, fabrications and claims.

This is not our opinion, it is FACT, and is based on many months of exhaustive research, and backed by irrefutable
documentation, which are shown in this video.


  • 0/2000
  • Yes - and so it begins here in Rumbleville. Gummer Lindbum is a liar people - please follow along with all the vids that will be displayed here over time - they dispute EVERYTHING this joker talks about. Mobster Chronicles does the homework and has solid documentation that proves this clown is conning you all - Gummer doesn’t/can’t produce any physical documentation/photos because he has none - because he was never part of the mob - because he was NEVER affiliated with any of the men he claims he was - they’re all stories he’s fabricated over his 13 year stint in prison - 13 years is plenty of time to make stuff up - wouldn’t you say? He’s in the story telling business - so you do the math. All the cats he talks about are dead - funny how that works out - yeah? Don’t fall for his crap and don’t give him any of your money - he’s a conman. Thanks Mobster Chrinicles for continuing to call out this clown.

  • I spotted Gunners channel & left him about 4 good comments. Like expected he replied within the hour to everyone of them with his usual response. Paragraphs of calling me a mob groupie multiple times, I was in the basement etc...He explained how he was this accomplished author of a 5 star book, that many have compared to the Godfather.