Secrets to ClosedCircuitSelling

1 year ago

Don’t sell the meeting.
Sell the experience of how you will help them win.

Yes the gurus and many leaders won’t like this post.

If we work from the frame of the buyers shoes, what would they need to see to meet them in their buying cycle, we are effectively creating an inbound experience from and outbound action.

Let that resonate.

I guarantee the deal will close faster and you will have a much more aligned experience.

The secrets to my success in #ClosedCircuitSelling was in essence shortcutting the churn of the traditional sales process actions. And in turn, providing the Ultimate Customer Experience.

Wouldn’t you too, prefer to be operating from there?

Demand + Outbound Actions = Revenue

#ManderovicMethods #disruptur #sales #Marketing #SDR #ClosedCircuitSelling #GTM

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