It's time to unite! Dump the DNC

1 year ago

It's time to unite! Dump the DNC

At this point I won’t be believing anything that comes from this raid. If they claim they have anything it’s a political game. The left is backed into a corner and they’re too stupid to understand that Trump isn’t the driving force here. It’s us. We’ve had it with these self important morons. I mean the DNC, their mouth pieces and their woke corporations. Take them down. Vote R!

I was close. The Magistrate that signed off on the warrant was a 2,000 dollar donor to Obama. He also quit his job as a prosecutor and joined forces with Epstein by defending his group of skanks legally in court.

#J6, #Corruption, #voterfraud, #forensicaudits, #trumpwon, #biochar, #permaculture, #fleebabylon, #freedom, #foodinsurance, #truthdesert, #fbiraid, #trumpraid, #stolenelection, #fedcorruption

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