Stocking Rainbow Trout, Bengal Wildlife Center, The Michigan Wildlife Conservancy, Bath Michigan

5 years ago

In this video I am helping out at the Bengel Wildlife Center in Bath Michigan. Today we are stocking Rainbow Trout and Largemouth Bass in 2 of the ponds on the property at the Nature center. Unfortunately the truck ran behind and I had to leave before we got to the bass stocking but It was a lot of fun to dump buckets of Rainbow Trout into the lake!
Fishing is available to members and they have some cool programs to get discounted memberships for more info about becoming a member visit

Overseeing the project was Dr. Pat Rusz a Wildlife Biologist and head honcho at The Michigan Wildlife Conservancy which oversees the operations at the Bengal Wildlife Center. I met Dr Pat Rusz after My band Off The Ledge played at The Wildlife Pub which is in the main building at The Bengel Wildlife Center. Proceeds from the restaurant/pub go to maintaining the nature center and ultimately probably funded the Fish we stocked today. Anyway I met Pat and offered to volunteer to help with any fish related activities that go on at The Bengal Wildlife Center. I amglad he took me up on my offer!

#steelhead #fishing

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