人因行为称义,并非(如马丁路德所说)唯独信心-WarningThePeople-Man is Justified by WORKS and NOT Faith Only (Martin Luther)

2 years ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/zM5wYgaw258

2019年7月24日 Originally Posted by WarningThePeople


If you would like to message him, his email is warningthepeople1@gmail.com






不要被宗教改革家马丁路德误导,不要跟随他。大部分教会正在追随他。浸信会追随着他,路得宗当然也在追随他,他们都相信唯独信心、唯独恩典、唯独圣经。他们都是假冒伪善的,因为他们删除了圣经的一些篇幅,丢弃了那些。他们相信的并不是耶稣的话。耶稣说:“所有犯罪的人都是罪的奴隶。 奴隶不能永远留在主人的家里,只有儿子才可以。 所以,如果上帝的儿子释放了你们,你们就真正自由了!”


Man is Justified by WORKS and NOT Faith ONLY
Did you know that Martin Luther wanted to throw out the book of James, the book of Hebrews, the book of Jude and the book of Revelation? He did not like MANY scriptures in the bible even though he believed in “Sola Scriptura” or “the bible alone”. He was a hypocrite because he also wanted to take things out of the bible and throw them away that he disagreed with. He even wanted to make a bible that excluded the passages that he did not want. He was a hypocrite and SO ARE THOSE WHO FOLLOW HIM. MUCH of the Christian church, if not most of it still follows the teachings of Martin Luther. They believe in “faith alone”, “in grace alone”, “in the bible alone”. They believe in false doctrines, believing they are “once saved always saved” and going to heaven EVEN THOUGH THEY LIVE IN SIN! One verse that Martin Luther really did not like is James chapter 2 verse 24 when James says; “You see then that a man is justified by WORKS and NOT by faith only.” This verse flies in the face very bluntly of the false doctrine of “by faith and grace alone”. James had the heart of Jesus. In Revelation 22:12 Jesus says this; “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one ACCORDING TO HIS WORK.” Each and every one of us will be rewarded ACCORDING TO OUR WORKS, the things that we say and the things that we do. If you are looking at pornography, and cursing, having hatred in your heart, if you are saying things that are just evil, gossipy… if you have worldliness in you, you will be judged according to the things that you did, not that you once said you wanted to be saved by belief in Jesus, His death, His blood, His resurrection… Believing things about Jesus will do NOTHING for your soul in the end, you have to PROVE by your WORKS, by your deeds, by your words that you TRULY are Jesus’s son or His daughter. Don’t believe that FALSE reformer Martin Luther. Don’t follow after him. Most of the church follows after him. The Baptists follow after him, the Lutherans of course follow after him, believing “in faith alone”, “in grace alone”, “in the bible alone”… BUT they are hypocrites because they rip passages out of the bible and throw them away, they do NOT believe the words of Jesus. Jesus said that whoever sins is a SLAVE of sin and will NOT abide in the house forever, but whoever the SON sets free IS FREE INDEED. Believe the words of Jesus, if you sin you will perish. But if Jesus sets you free of sin you will truly be set free of sin, you will NOT go on sinning like the Christians lie and preach about. Don’t believe the false doctrines of Martin Luther. Don’t follow after his followers. Don’t believe these false doctrines. Rather believe the TRUTH OF JESUS, you REALLY NEED TO REPENT of your sins, you CAN be set free from pornography, from addiction, from lust, from smoking pot… you CAN be set free from ALL your sins IF you will only choose to follow Jesus and OBEY HIM. Really start praying, diligently seek Him, do what you know is right and Jesus will renew you, He will make you reborn. He will give you a new heart and a new mind, you will be a NEW PERSON. Don’t believe the false doctrines that are in the church. Follow Jesus and OBEY HIM and you will have LIFE. May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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