Becoming One with God's Consuming FIRE by Dr. Michael H Yeager

4 years ago

The SUN is an Illustration of the SON of GOD! Without the sun everything on earth would die! The sun is a star. The Scripture says that they which win souls will shine like the stars throughout eternity.
#1 The Sun alone contains 99.8% of the total mass in the Solar System. #2 Approximately 1,300,000 earths could fit into the sun.
#3 The energy of the sun is what we call nuclear fusion.
#4 The SUN his perfect in its circumference, size, shape, and his journey across the heavens, in its energy, light, heat, and affect upon our solar system.
#5 The sun rotates in the opposite direction of the earth.
#6 Sun has a powerful magnetic field. This magnetic field is so powerful that it is actually that which keeps the earth and its proper orbit with all of the other planets in its solar system.
#7 Sun generates solar winds at over 1 million miles an hour.
#8 The atmosphere of the sun is composed of three layers
#9 Takes eight minutes for the light of the sun to reach the earth
#10 the earth is almost 93 million miles away from the sun
# 11The Sun's surface temperature is about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit

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