Doctor and his Clients Get Great Results from Using the Relax Far Infrared Sauna

5 years ago

“Hi, I’m Dr. Nelson Bulmash, the host of Health Matters on the U.I.A Media Network.” “I love these. I think they’re one of the most powerful healing tools in this country right now. And, I think that because particularly new studies indicate a more than 60% reduction in dementia. If you use it four times a week for 20 minutes, it significantly decreases your risk of heart attack and stroke. It increases collateral circulation of the heart, increases ATP synthesis. It’s fantastic for increasing circulation, for gently detoxifying the body and all kinds of other things. Check it out and get yourself one of these Relax Saunas and you can see and experience far greater health than you might have now.“

“I am a chiropractor, naturopath and nutritionist.” He got his Relax Sauna seven years ago and “I just couldn’t believe how much better I felt.” “They use a lot of chemicals in these hotels and I don’t do well with chemicals.” He’s had cancer and an issue with his autoimmune system. And, his liver function was damaged many years ago when he was 18 by a very severe case of infectious mono. “I have to have very, very effective ways to gently remove toxins and this is one of my favorite ways. I left feeling better than I did when I came in as I did this time.”

He had reached a major crossroads with one of his clients who used the sauna before her treatment. “It really warms up the muscles. It’s tremendous at creating a sense of euphoria, a sense of relaxation. The muscles relax. The spine relaxes. Often, I and other people, who reported coming in with headaches, lots of tension in the body, get up when they leave and they feel fantastic. The muscles have less tension, greater circulation, greater energy, a greater sense of peace and joy.”

He uses his four or five times a week for 20 minutes. “I own a 20 or $30,000 sauna in my house.” He doesn’t use it anymore. “I like this more. I feel this one is more effective at pulling poisons out. I feel like this heats the body more deeply than the dry saunas. I love it a lot. I recommend it to anybody who can handle the heat. And if you can’t, then just don’t do as much, maybe do 2 to 5, 6 to 8 minutes. I have friends who are very heat sensitive and I send them in for as little as sometimes just two or three minutes and they eventually end up feeling better. Takes longer but they end up getting where they want to be.”

When he gets too hot he opens the zipper to vent it because it’s not the heat that does the healing. It’s the light, energy medicine. “This is good for anyone to maintain health. This is unbelievable, I would say, essential for anyone dealing with cancer, some kind of chronic disease.” He is sitting there gently relaxing and “ I'm getting myself cleaned out here.”

Most people clean everything but the inside of their bodies. It cleans the inside of the body.

“My sense of it is that it increases the vibration of the water molecules within the cell and by doing so it kicks out, if you will, toxins in the lymphatics and the blood. And you can sweat it out. You can urinate it out. You can defecate it out. I would recommend it for anybody. If you want better health, use the Relax Sauna. It’s an integral tool really optimizing your own expression of health. This is my choice. This is the one I’ve consistently gotten the best results with.”

You can listen to Dr. Bulmash's show, Health Matters at

Learn more about the health benefits of sauna use and far infrared at

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