5 Minute Breather | Ep. 34 | Even Jesus picked His battles

1 year ago

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Host: Sandra

Topic: Today, we get an awesome example of how focused we’re to be on our mission of serving Christ. Right as Jesus discloses the Paschal Mystery, of the fulfillment of His mission here on earth through His persecution, death, and resurrection, He is asked about paying the temple tax. Paschal mystery…taxes - clearly one is outweighs the other. Jesus’ response is priceless though! Peter, go catch a fish and in its mouth you’ll find a coin to pay the tax. Yeah, Jesus could have started a righteous argument about how trivial this tax is, but He knew that such an effort would be frivolous. Jesus didn’t straight out ignore their request either - He gave them what they desired and moved on. He didn’t do this to be rude or dismissive, but out of love, He didn’t engage in something that could have caused unnecessary conflict for knew the right time would come when they would come to understand who He was. Let us follow Jesus’ example. In our journey of serving the Lord, may we keep our minds on what is important. Don’t get lost and burnt out trying to put out every fire, but instead follow our one commandment - love. It’s not our job to change people’s minds. So out of love for the other and for God, may we ask for guidance of the Holy Spirit to be given the words and actions that are needed for the situations and remain focused on our mission of serving God.

About the 5 Minute Breather Series: Sandra and her husband Paul attend daily mass. For this season of her life, join Sandra for a few minutes every Monday through Friday as she shares the encouragement and guidance she receives each day.

Music by AShamaluevMusic:
Recovery | https://ashamaluevmusic.fanlink.to/dDMe
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