War war war, that's what USA is for!

2 years ago

RT News:
World Peace Statue in Finland... Taken Down

The monument has been removed from its pedestal in Helsinki by local authorities on Monday. It was given to the Finnish capital as a gift by Moscow in 1989.

In spring this year, "World peace" was inscribed on its base with Ukrainian flags attached. The statue is owned by the Helsinki Art Museum and will now be transported to storage.

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❗US approves additional $4.5bn package to Ukraine govt for budget needs (Reuters)

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❗Moscow notifies US of temporary withdrawal of facilities from START inspections - Russian Foreign Ministry

Russia has been forced to withdraw from the START inspections due to Washington’s actions that deprive Moscow the right to inspect in US, the Foreign Ministry said.

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⚡️Biden admin announces new $1bn arms aid package for Ukraine (AFP)

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Americans Fed Up with US Proxy Wars – Watch!

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Out with Terrorism, In with China: CIA to Focus on Beijing — report

The US’ Central Intelligence Agency will switch is priorities, from terrorist activities, to opposing China, the Associated Press reports, citing a behind-closed-doors statement by deputy director, David Cohen.

More specifically, the CIA will not abandon its anti-terrorism efforts, but China will become the agency’s number one priority.

The CIA has already made internal shifts reportedly, transferring some of its counter-terrorism personnel to China-oriented assignments.

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