Is the Markets' Bullish Mood Just Hype?

2 years ago

(8/8/22) Negative market sentiment should lead to lower equity prices, but in the short-term, some bullish patterns emerge. Markets' three-week rally is tempting the media to hype the new, bullish mood. Markets still have a lot of work ahead as the Fed hikes rates and tightens policy in its inflation fight,. That's going to lower economic activity, which will, in turn, force stocks to reprice for that. If markets pull-back, where will support be found? Interestingly, the 50-DMA is being crossed by the 20-DMA, indicating that any pull-back is likely to be pretty decent support for the short term--we're thinking around 3,950 to 4,000 on the S&P. A 200-point decline would be a nice correction. However, any voilation of the 50-20 crossover would suggest a re-test of lows, and put us back into a bearish trend. A pull-back that holds puts you in a position for greater equity exposure.

Hosted by RIA Advisors' Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, CIO
Produced by Brent Clanton
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