2021-01-08 Can China Restore Relationship With The US After Biden Takes Office?

2 years ago

Is it possible for the United States and China, to restore their honeymoon relationship, prior to Donald Trump's term?
-----What we said before Joe Bide took office was 100% correct.--------------
Our answer is definitely no. there is no more honeymoon between the US and China. the competition, confrontation and even conflict, will tear into pieces any delusional hope of this kind.
in the coming years, the US will employ all means, to curb China's development, just as it did to Germany, the UK,Japan, and the former Soviet Union. but China is different from those four countries, it has the biggest domestic market, increasing military power, strong production capacity and capability, and quick advancing high tech. Today's China should have surpassed the former Soviet Union in most areas.
Things might change after ten or fifteen years, when China becomes the real number one economy and military power. only at that time, the US will admit China as its partner, not its biggest rival.

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