2021-01-31: Is China Getting Impatient With The US in Taiwan And South China Sea?

2 years ago

in 2020, When China urged its 1.4 billion people, to stay at home fighting covid 19, every home became a fortress to combat the virus, and no other country in the world can do this. It is already a war, and China won it.

China has only one overseas military base, while the United States has several hundred.

China is historically an agricultural country, with no ambition to conquer other countries. In Ming Dynasty, Zheng He led a fleet visiting coastal countries seven times, but not even one of the countries he visited became the colony of the Ming Empire. If Chinese emperors had been as greedy as the Spanish, Portuguese, French, Netherlands, and British conquerors, the total population of Chinese should be at least 3 billion, and its territory should be much bigger than Russia.

In early December 2018, the US Department of Defense released its report, on the structure of overseas military bases. The report showed that the number of US military bases in operation was 514. Compared with the number of more than 2,000 at its peak, this is already its lowest level, since the end of World War two in 1945.

As early as 2000 years ago, Marcus Tullius Cicero already pointed out: "Whoever controls the oceans controls the world."

The Spanish American War that broke out in 1898, became an important turning point, in the history of the United States. After defeating Spain, the United States took the Philippines, Guam, Cuba, and Puerto Rico, and established the first batch of overseas military bases there. It is precisely by relying on this frontier position, that the United States was able to expand its power to the Asia Pacific. Now it is pursuing an indo-pacific strategy to encircle China.

The year 1945 was another turning point for the United States, and it became and still is, the world's largest power with hundreds of overseas military bases.

in 1991, its biggest rival, the former Soviet Union collapsed suddenly, but because US already spent tons of money, on maintaining numerous overseas bases, the United States also became the world's biggest debtor.

If we say the US government is the poorest one in the world, a lot of people will be shocked, but it is the fact. The US government has been so hilarious, for its sporadic closures, due to lack of money, in the past years.

The Chinese government, however, is one of the few richest governments in the world, and most importantly, it does not need to go through countless debates before making decisions.

If we dive deeper, we can find that China is so lucky, to have two tutors at the same time: the United States and the Former Soviet Union, and the social system it is using now, is actually a mixture of the US market economy, and the Soviet political centralism.

the US and the former soviet union are like the two handrails of an ascending escalator, with the help of which, China is rising quickly and peacefully.

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