Direct Mail Pro and what Direct Mail Pro members are NOT telling you

5 years ago

Direct Mail Pro and what Direct Mail Pro members are NOT telling you. Don’t be misled by misinformation. Get Info: http://GRANDEVERYDAY.COM I’ve recently come across several Direct Mail Pro members spreading false information about how the company works. In fact, there’s a lot of misinformation about Direct Mail Pro as well. So in today’s video I will clear up all the confusion and set the record straight once in for all. Someone needs to share the real facts. I’m personally friends with (Peter Wolfing) the owner of Direct Mail Pro and I’ve wished him success with his new company. And I harbor no hard feelings towards the marketers who have joined the DMP business. I wish you all continued success. But At the end of the day, marketers will choose to market their business how they like. To each their own. Here are some talking points that I cover in today’s With our program you keep 100% of your earnings vs 40% (Direct Mail Pro.

Owners aren't competing with you in our system but the owners of Direct Mail Pro are heavily marketing the business. They're your biggest competition. - Our System has ran over 15 years!, with sales team closing millions of sales. You never have to speak to anyone :)

- In DMP the company pays you. In our system you get paid instantly member to member. So you don’t have to wait on the company to pay you. Plus there’s no risk of a merchant being shutdown and there are no 1099s to fill out. - We offer awesome digital education products and DMP. Both are similar in content. But Less commissions with DMP. - WE are totally global. Not sure with DMP, some members are saying that it's not. - Same program jumpers are in Direct Mail Pro telling you it's the best program ever. Although they've joined dozens of programs this year alone saying the same thing about all of them.I have been in our program for over 9 years and never program hope, so you don’t have to worry about joining my team and me being in something else next time you call.

For full detail of what I do simply visit

Spencer Brown

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