[Warframe | U26.0] Solo Farming: Grendel Neuroptics | Survival Mission

4 years ago

★ Video Description ★

This Mission might require several tries, due to RNG based loot drop with the oxygen packs from enemies. Be mindful about the oxygen amount and you should be good.

Keep in mind, 1 life support fills back 30% of your oxygen. Start paying close attention to oxygen around 50%, because the Lifesupport drops can be 2-3 map tiles away. 1 strategy is to slowly shoot and move backwards towards where the life supports are to bait the enemy closer to the area, so that it's easier to reach for life supports if you are in an emergency situation with oxygen.

Frame: Hildryn
Hildryn was the best choice IMO for this mission. I tried with different Warframes and even with Nekros, Inaros, etc. but none of them worked out. They didn't had enough viability to survive enemy constant firing. Not to mention they can't keep up enough energy to maintain a consistent use of their abilites.
This is where Hildryn shines now. Hildryns Skill 2 allows her to steal shield from the enemies and simultaneously lowering their shield/armor and adds it onto herself, giving her a way better survival. The best part is she doesn't need energy and only shield as a resource to consume for her ability which you can replenish every time with Skill 2. Her Skill 3 allows her to deal consistent Damage around her and with that you can single out enemies one by one without concerning the rest which have surrounded you.

Primary: Tigris Prime
Optional use. Best Primary weapon for the sole reason if the enemy is stuck on a place which i can't reach with my melee weapon.

Secondary: Spectra Vandal
Same concept like Tigris Prime, but any other Secondary weapon will do just fine.

Melee: Gram Prime
(Alternative: any high base Attack Damage weapon will do fine, best are 2 handed weapons mostly due to the large AoE)
So this where it comes down to Pure Damage output. Using Gram Prime i constantly spammed the new Melee Phase 2, "Air Charged Slam attack", on the enemies, which deals massive damage around the landing point. Since there is no Nekros to give a proper support for maintaining the oxygen, we have to approach it differently. By killing enemies faster we can try to get more often the possibility for the RNG Loot Drop to give us the "Oxygen Packs" the enemies carry.

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