What I Learned from solo Hitchhiking Across Canada.

3 years ago

What did I learn from Hitchhiking across Canada?
That this country is huge, beautiful and full of amazing people. This is the story of my month and a half hitchhiking trip across the country I was born in. I stealth camped along the way in my Hennessey hammock tent. Got some great rides, Had a lot of generous people give me money, food, places to stay. and I got to see tons of amazing sights that people travel from all over the world to see.

Tripping With Forrest

Audio Podcast

my unedited notes from this episode
Hitchhiking across canada
What I learned from…
People are generous - Coquitlam, Nova Scotia, etc.
Life is easy because you are constantly moving and making temp camps.
Not lonely because all I had to do was stick my thumb out to make a new friend
People trust.
The right ride is the one that stops.
Allow yourself to change plans.
live with no money.

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