Episode 12: Only Truth | I Gave Up My Life to Find IT

1 year ago

There is only Truth and that occurs as we realize we are inseparable from the Whole as the wave is inseparable from the sea. Just as each wave is unique in the sea, we each have a distinct way embody our expression with the world, at large.

Now you realize that all you became has held you from being all you are and caused the experiences that were illusions created by mind. After transforming the resistance to Love, you rise above the diversions and attachments. With burning passion, you are driven and delivered to awaken from the slumber of separation to your Truth. The force of consciousness to awaken is concerned with only Truth.

The spiritual dogma that was studied did not shift consciousness regardless of its content. Spirituality and realizing your Truth are not opposing energies. In fact, the intellectualization process (via mind) is insufficient to realize the spirit of the Whole. There is only Truth, undivided and complete.

Truth represents your true potential that expands infinitely beyond the uncertainties that were formed out of resisting mind by beliefs or attitudes. It is not enough just to intellectually know the definition of the Truth. You must be it, act it, and do it. Truth is already in consciousness and expresses the moment of enlightenment.

Your Truth is that you are inseparable from the Whole of God that naturally expresses compassion, wisdom, and love. In fact, Truth is never absent. However, the mind takes over until the ego transforms to Love. You cease having to win some and lose some; there is no gain or loss. There is nothing to fear as you are open to realize security in who and what you are and feel fulfilled and content. No longer are you are affected by person, place, or thing.

There is no separation; in fact, there never was. The breaks were only what was accepted in mind that you were a separate entity. You no longer need to find yourself. You have died to the old and are alive to NEW beginnings. Awakened from the slumber of separation, you open to limitless and boundless potential that is not subject to time or geography. Importantly, you realize that seeking for something you hoped for was merely the illusions. It only caused more seeking when all along, it is only worthwhile to seek the essential Self.

Know that Love dwells in you, as your Truth. You realize bliss and passion of life that responds to that Love that is the essential reality of your Truth. You enlighten your creative expression and that contributes to global illumination. The spark glows brightly to dispel darkness.

There is only Truth and that occurs as we realize we are inseparable from the Whole as the wave is inseparable from the sea. Just as each wave is unique in the sea, we each have a distinct way embody our expression with the world, at large. The Self is the Truth, and the Truth realizes itself always and in all ways.

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