Access Bars ⓡ Adelaide, Gawler, Barossa Valley

1 year ago

Are you looking for:
Deeper relaxation?
Clear that emotional and negative clutter in your mind that does not serve you?
Improve and reduce depression / anxiety?
Improve your sleep?
Clearer thoughts?
Enhance creativity?
Increase in joy and happiness?
Improve money flows?
Improve your relationships?
Help with physical pain?
More peace and calm?

Having your Bars run is suitable for all ages, from babies through to the elderly and even people with disabilities.

Access Bars® is a gentle hands-on modality that was introduced by Gary Douglas in the early 1990s. The Bars® are 32 unique points on the head that correlate to different areas and aspects of life. During an Access Bars® session, a practitioner gently touches these 32 unique points to release the electromagnetic charge of all thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions, and beliefs that may have limited you in the concerned life areas.

When you have your Bars run, its like hitting the delete button on your computer. The brain waves actually slow down when you get your Bars run allowing behavioural patterns, belief systems and points of view that you have been running from childhood or from other lifetimes to be accessed. You actually start to become more present in your life and the past doesn’t project into your future the same way.

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