What I learned from my Anxiety... And how I deal with it.

3 years ago

Not until last year did I release just how much anxiety I had and the different ways it plays out in my life. I knew I had anxious moments but I didn't release how much it drove my behavior.
in this episode I talk about how the pandemic has been a catalyst for my personal mental health development. I break down what anxiety is and how it a fear thought that begins to build a story or a unsolvable problem that it tries that it tries to solve. A lot of my anxiety stems from blame that I direct at myself for my past behavior. I talk about the solutions I have found so far to deal/cope/ work through my anxiety. One of them is to have faith and trust in something (like the universe, love, or god) and that everything is actually okay, even though I feel bad in the moment because of the anxiety. I share my analogy that anxiety to me is a sign, like the entrance sign to a trail, and if I decide to walk down the path of anxiety with an aware mind I am able to find a view point at the end of the trail, one that is a beautiful new way to look at the world. in this way I use my anxiety as a tool to get to the deeper problems that are often, core beliefs or undealt with trauma. I share that the clear mind that happens after anxiety is actually a feeling that I look forward too, and because of the painful experience of anxiety I am able to feel the pleasurable feeling of personal breakthrough.

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