Jesus: Healer Part III

2 years ago

Jesus: Healer, Part III
Pastor Gary Denbow
Isaiah 53:5

Biblical Christianity is based on faith. Faith enters and is built as the Word of God is perceived.
Jesus was healer of every disease
1. The Blind Men at Capernaum. (Matt 9:27-31)
• We are not told the reason for blindness, but that they we followers, cried out to Jesus for mercy, and begged for mercy from “The Son of David.”
• Jesus questions their faith.
• Jesus touches their eyes.
• Jesus spoke healing “according to their faith.”
2. The Man Who Could Not Speak. (Matt 9:32-34)
• Who are “they”?
• The mute man was “demon-possessed”
• Jesus cast out the demon and immediately the man could speak.
• People were in awe, but Pharisees accredited the healing to demonic power.
3. The Deaf Man in Galilee. (Mark 7:31-37)
• His friends bring him to Jesus, asking for healing.
• Jesus took the man aside to have personal time with him.
• Jesus put fingers in his ears and touched his tongue. Immediately he could hear and speak.
• The multitude around Jesus went wild!

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